ISDN Nailed-Up Sample Configuration
Dynamic IP And IPX Routing
Cisco ConfigMaker
Windows 95/NT 4.0 configuration tool

This sample configuration dynamically routes both IP and IPX between two IOS routers using the IP RIP and IPX RIP/SAP routing protocols and PPP with CHAP authentication over ISDN. With these routing protocols, routing updates are constantly exchanged between the two routers. The periodic exchange of routing updates requires the ISDN line to be permanently active regardless of traffic demands. This is known as a nailed-up connection.

Though some cases might require a nailed up ISDN connection, most applications do not. Permanently active ISDN lines can result in potentially high ISDN costs and this configuration should only be used if ISDN billing is not a concern. Otherwise, it is highly recommended that a dial-on-demand routing (DDR) configuration is used. A DDR configuration activates the ISDN line only when there is traffic to send. DDR can be implemented either with a snapshot routing protocol to resolve routes dynamically or with static routes.

Dynamic IP And IPX DDR ConfigurationGet A DDR Configuration Using Snapshot Routing (recommended)
Faxback Doc #0514
Static IP And IPX DDR ConfigurationGet A DDR Configuration Using Static Routes
Faxback Doc #0514
PPP TutorialInfo On PPP
Faxback Doc #ppp
Snapshot Routing TutorialInfo On Snapshot Routing
Faxback Doc #snapshot
IP Unnumbered TutorialInfo On IP Unnumbered
Faxback Doc #ip_unnum

Before You Begin

Detailed IOS Command DescriptionsGet The IOS ISDN Command Glossary.
Faxback Doc #0551
Detailed descriptions of all IOS commands used in ISDN configurations. Also provides links to the IOS Command Reference if more information is required
IOS Command Line TutorialGet The IOS Command Line Interface Tutorial
Faxback Doc #ios_tutorial
Instructions on configuring an IOS router using the command line interface
Preconfiguration Checklist
ISDN Information
The following info must be gathered from the ISDN service provider
  1. ISDN Switch Type
  2. ISDN SPIDs (where applicable)
    In North America, SPIDs are required for all ISDN switch types except for 5ESS Custom Point-to-point
  3. ISDN Directory Numbers
    The directory number is the local seven digit ISDN phone number (no area codes) of your router
Network Information
The following info must be gathered from the network administrator
  1. PPP Client Name
    A PPP client name must be assigned to both locations
  2. PPP Authentication Type
    CHAP authentication is preferred and used in this example
  3. PPP Password
    A PPP password must be assigned to both locations
  4. IP Address Information
    An IP network design must be created
  5. IPX Address Information
    An IPX network design must be created
  6. Phone Numbers
    ISDN phone numbers of both locations

Note: Commands followed by a <*> are on by default and do not have to be configured. The "!" marks that appear in the configuration are automatically entered by the router and function as line separators for easier reading.

Atlanta Router Configuration
In IOS "show running-config" format

version 11.2 <*>
service udp-small-servers <*>
service tcp-small-servers <*>
hostname Atlanta
enable secret cisco
username Boston password gocisco1
ip subnet-zero
ipx routing 0000.0caa.1111
isdn switch-type basic-ni1
interface Ethernet0
 ip address
 ipx network 100 encapsulation SAP
 ipx network 101 encapsulation NOVELL-ETHER secondary
interface BRI0
 no ip address <*>
 encapsulation ppp
 dialer rotary-group 0
 isdn spid1 014045551111000 5551111
 isdn spid2 014045552222000 5552222
 no fair-queue <*>
 no cdp enable <*>
interface Dialer0
 ip unnumbered Ethernet0
 encapsulation ppp
 ipx network AAAA
 dialer in-band
 dialer idle-timeout 300
 dialer map ipx AAAA.0000.0cbb.2222 name Boston speed 56 broadcast 16175553333
 dialer map ipx AAAA.0000.0cbb.2222 name Boston speed 56 broadcast 16175554444
 dialer map ip name Boston speed 56 broadcast 16175553333
 dialer map ip name Boston speed 56 broadcast 16175554444
 dialer hold-queue 10
 dialer load-threshold 200 either
 dialer-group 1
 no fair-queue <*>
 no cdp enable <*>
 ppp authentication chap
 ppp multilink
router rip
 version 2
 no auto-summary
ip classless
ip http server
dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
dialer-list 1 protocol ipx permit
line con 0
 password console
line aux 0 <*>
line vty 0 4
 password telnet
 login <*>
end <*>

Boston Router Configuration
In IOS "show running-config" format

version 11.2 <*>
service udp-small-servers <*>
service tcp-small-servers <*>
hostname Boston
enable secret cisco
username Atlanta password gocisco1
ip subnet-zero
no ip domain-lookup
ipx routing 0000.0cbb.2222
isdn switch-type basic-5ess
interface Ethernet0
 ip address
 ipx network 200
interface BRI0
 no ip address <*>
 encapsulation ppp
 dialer rotary-group 0
 isdn spid1 0155533330 5553333
 isdn spid2 0155533330 5554444
 no fair-queue <*>
 no cdp enable <*>
interface Dialer0
 ip unnumbered Ethernet0
 encapsulation ppp
 ipx network AAAA
 dialer in-band
 dialer idle-timeout 300
 dialer map ipx AAAA.0000.0caa.1111 name Atlanta speed 56 broadcast 14045551111
 dialer map ipx AAAA.0000.0caa.1111 name Atlanta speed 56 broadcast 14045552222
 dialer map ip name Atlanta speed 56 broadcast 14045551111
 dialer map ip name Atlanta speed 56 broadcast 14045552222
 dialer hold-queue 10
 dialer load-threshold 200 either
 dialer-group 1
 no fair-queue <*>
 no cdp enable <*>
 ppp authentication chap
 ppp multilink
router rip
 version 2
 no auto-summary
ip classless
ip http server
dialer-list 1 protocol ip permit
dialer-list 1 protocol ipx permit
line con 0
 password console
line aux 0 <*>
line vty 0 4
 password telnet
 login <*>
end <*>

After You've Tried

You've tried the configuration and it doesn't work. Help is available!

IOS Router ISDN Troubleshooting GuideGet IOS Router ISDN Troubleshooting Assistance
Faxback Doc #isdn_ts

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