The Queen's University of Belfast
Parallel Computer Centre
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Data Transmission Rates
Data Transmission Rates
- A number of transmission rates are defined/possible:
- STS-1, STS-3, STS-9, STS-12, STS-18, STS-24, STS-36, STS-48
- STM-1, STM-3, STM-6, STM-8, STM-12, STM-16
- Only 3 hierarchical levels are defined in the standard and are commercially available
Optical Rates - SONET
- SONET STS-n frames are mapped onto OC-n - OC stands for Optical Carrier
- STS-1 maps onto OC-1 and so on
- SONET rates are often given by OC-n
- Multiple STS-1 frames are interleaved and converted to optical signals
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