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Follow these steps to add the swap file:

1.  Become superuser.
2.  Type swap -a path-name and press Return. You must use the absolute path name to specify the swap file. The swap file is added and available.
3.  Type swap -l to verify that the swap file is added.
        # swap -a /files1/SWAP
        # swap -l
        swapfile             dev  swaplo blocks   free
        swapfs                -        Ø  9452Ø  93512

        /dev/dsk/cØt3dØs1   32,25      8  65512  45Ø48

        /files1/SWAP  -  8   2Ø4Ø   2Ø4Ø

Follow these steps to remove a specified swap file from use:

1.  Become superuser.
2.  Type swap -d path-name and press Return. When the swap file is no longer in use, it is removed from the list so that it is no longer available for swapping. The file itself is not deleted:
        oak% su
        # swap -d /files1/SWAP
        # swap -l
        swapfile             dev  swaplo
        blocks   free
        swapfs                -        Ø
        9452Ø  93512

        /dev/dsk/cØt3dØs1   32,25      8
        65512  45Ø48
        # ls -l /files1/SWAP
        -rw-------   1 root   root     1Ø48576 Jan 31 13:56 SWAP

When you create additional swap space, if you want the swap space to remain available when the system is rebooted, you must add the entry to the /etc/vfstab file. Follow these steps to add a swap file entry to the /etc/vfstab file:

1.  Become superuser.
2.  Edit the /etc/vfstab file and add this line: path-name - - swap - no -. Be sure the line follows the entry for the partition where the swap file was created.

The next time the system is rebooted, the swap file is added automatically.

The following example adds the swap file /files1/SWAP to the /etc/vfstab file after the entry that mounts the file system /files1:

/files1/SWAP - - swap - no -

Creating a Local Mail Alias (/etc/mail/aliases)

In a network environment, you probably have a central way to administer mail aliases. In addition, users frequently want to set up local aliases for use from their systems. Follow these steps to create mail aliases on a local system:

1.  Become superuser.
2.  Edit the /etc/mail/aliases file.
3.  At the end of the file, under the Local Aliases category, type aliasname:username1,username2,... and press Return after the last username.
4.  Save the changes.

For example, if you want to create an alias called friends, edit the /etc/mail/ aliases file and add an entry like this:


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