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Regardless of the mechanism you choose to mount the file system, you need to create a mount point on the client system where CacheFS mounts the files. The mounted files are then cached in the cache directory that you created.
Type mkdir cache-directory and press Return. In this example, a mount point named /cachemount is created:
# mkdir /docs-cachemount
Specifying a File System (mount)
You provide the following parameters for the mount command:
Follow these steps to mount a cache file system from a command line:
In this example, a mount point named /docs-cachemount is created and the NFS file system castle:/docs is mounted as a cached file system named /docs-cachemount in the cache named /local/cachfile:
oak% su # mkdir /docs-cachemount # mount -f cachefs -o backfstype=nfs,cachedir=/local/cachefile castle:/docs /docs-cachemount # cachefsstat /docs-cachemount /docs cache hit rate:100% (0 hits, 0 misses) consistency checks:1 (1 pass, 0 fail) modifies:0 garbage collection:0
If the file system was not mounted in the cache, an error message similar to the following is displayed:
# cachefsstat /docs-cachemount cachefsstat: /docs-cachemount not a cachefs mountpoint
Specifying a File System (/etc/vfstab file)
When you add a cache file system to the /etc/vfstab file on the client system, the back file system remains available to users as a cached file system.
Follow these steps to mount a cache file system the /etc/vfstab file:
/dev/dsk/device-name /dev/rdsk/device-name /mount-point cachefs 2 yes -
In this example, the /usr/local directory is mounted in the cache directory:
/dev/disk/c0t1d0s0 /dev/rdsk/c0t1d0s0 /cache ufs 2 yes -
Specifying a File System (AutoFS Map)
You add a cache file system to the auto_direct AutoFS map by specifying the -fstype=cachefs mount option. Note that you also specify the CacheFS mount options (for example, backfstype and cachedir). Refer to the automount(1M) manual page for more information about automount maps or refer to the Solaris Advanced System Administrator's Guide available from Sun Microsystems Press.
Follow these steps to specify a cache file system in the AutoFS map:
/mount-point -fstype=cachefs,cachedir=/directory, backfstype=nfs server:/file-system
After you set up cache file systems, you can perform the following maintenance tasks on them:
If you are using the /etc/vfstab file to mount file systems, you modify the cache by editing the file system options in the /etc/vfstab file. If you are using AutoFS, you modify the cache by editing the file system options in the AutoFS maps.
Table 4-9 lists the Commands for Maintaining Cache File Systems lists the commands that you can use to perform cache maintenance. Refer to the appropriate manual page for more details.
Command | Description |
cfsadmin | Enables you to display information about cached file systems, delete a cached file system from a specified cache, and specify consistency checking on demand. See the cfsadmin(1M) manual page for more information. |
cachefspack | Enables you to create packing lists that specify individual files and directories that you want packed in the cache. A packing list contains files or directories to be packed in the cache. If a directory is in the packing list, all its subdirectories and files are also packed. See the cachefspack(1M) manual page for more information. |
cachefslog | Specifies the location of a CacheFS log file. This command also displays were statistics are currently being logged and enables you to halt logging. See the cachefslog(1M) manual page for more information. |
cachefswssize | Interprets the log file to give a recommended cache size. See the cachefsswsize(1M) manual page for more information. |
cachefsstat | Displays statistical information about a specific file system or all cached file systems. The information provided in the output of this command is taken directly from the cache. See the cachefsstat(1M) manual page for more information |
fsck -F cachefs {-m} {-o noclean} cache-directory | Checks the integrity of cached file systems and automatically corrects problems without requiring user interaction. See the fsck_cachefs (1M) manual page for more information. |
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