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A FILE SYSTEM IS A STRUCTURE OF DIRECTORIES USED TO LOCATE AND STORE files. The term file system is used in several different ways:
Usually, you can tell from context which meaning is intended.
The SunOS 5.x system software uses the virtual file system (VFS) architecture, which provides a standard interface for different file system types. The kernel handles basic operations such as reading, writing, and listing files without requiring the user or program to know about the underlying file system type.
The file system administrative commands provide a common interface that allows you to maintain file systems of different types. These commands have two components: a generic component and a component specific to each type of file system. The generic commands apply to most types of file systems; the specific commands apply to only one type of file system.
Administering the SunOS 5.x file system is one of your most important system administration tasks. The file system story is a complex one, and understanding it can help you more effectively administer file systems. This chapter describes:
The Solaris 2.6 release provides some new file system features. Each of these new features is introduced in the following sections.
The mount command provides a new option, -largefiles, that is the default mount option for the Solaris 2.6 environment. This option enables you to create file systems that can contain files larger than 2 Gbytes. When files are mounted with the -largefiles option, a file system may contain files larger than 2 Gbytes, but it is not required. See Making File Systems Available for more information.
With the NFS client failover feature, you can specify additional hosts from which to mount a file system in case the first host cannot be reached. You can either set this feature in the /etc/vfstab file or issue your list of hosts from the command line.
The WebNFS feature, sometimes called Public NFS, provides two additional options to the mount command:
See Making File Systems Available for more information.
The SunOS 5.x system software supports three types of file systems:
Disk-based file systems are stored on physical media such as hard disks, CD-ROMs, and diskettes. Disk-based file systems can be written in different formats. The available formats are:
The System V (S5) file system traditionally provided with System V releases is not included in the SunOS 5.x system software because of significant limitations, such as a maximum of 64,000 files in a file system, a restriction of 14 characters for file names, and lack of a quota facility.
Each type of disk-based file system is customarily associated with a particular media device:
These associations are not, however, restrictive. For example, CD-ROMs and diskettes can have UFS file systems installed on them.
Network-based file systems are file systems that are accessed over the network. Typically, network-based file systems are file systems that reside on one system and are accessed by other systems across the network. The available network-based file systems are:
The default SunOS 5.x distributed file system is NFS. You administer distributed file systems by sharing them (exporting them from a server) and mounting them on individual systems. See Making File Systems Available later in the chapter for more information.
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