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To define an environment variable for the Bourne and Korn shells, type VARIABLE =value ;export VARIABLE and press Return:
$ PS1=oak$;export PS1 $
To define an environment variable for the C shell, type setenv VARIABLE value and press Return:
% setenv DISPLAY rogue:Ø %
To display a list of the current environment variable settings, type env and press Return:
$ env HOME=/home/irving HZ=1ØØ LOGNAME=irving MAIL=/var/mail/irving MANSECTS=1:1m:1c:1f:1s:1b:2:3:3c:3i:3n:3m:3k:3g:3e:3x11:3xt:3w:3b: 9:4:5:7:8 PATH=/usr/bin SHELL=/bin/sh TERM=sun TZ=EST5EDT $
The following example shows all the environment variables for a system running CDE:
castle% env MANPATH=/usr/openwin/share/man:/usr/openwin/man:/usr/share/man :/usr/dt/share/man:/usr/dt/man:/usr/man:/opt/SUNWrtvc/man DTDATABASESEARCHPATH=/export/home/winsor/.dt/types,/etc/dt/appconfig/ types/ %L,/etc/dt/appconfig/types/C,/usr/dt/appconfig/types/%L,/usr/dt/appconfig /types/C DTXSERVERLOCATION=local LANG=C HELPPATH=/usr/openwin/lib/locale:/usr/openwin/lib/help DTSOURCEPROFILE=true PATH=/usr/openwin/bin:/usr/dt/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/ucb:/etc:. AB_CARDCATALOG=/usr/dt/share/answerbooks/C/ab_cardcatalog DTUSERSESSION=winsor-castle-0 XMICONBMSEARCHPATH=/export/home/winsor/.dt/icons/ /winsor/.dt/icons/ %B:/usr/dt/appconfig/icons/%L/ %L/ C/ C/%B SESSION_SVR=castle OPENWINHOME=/usr/openwin EDITOR=/usr/dt/bin/dtpad LOGNAME=winsor DTSCREENSAVERLIST=StartDtscreenSwarm StartDtscreenQix StartDtscreenFlame StartDtscreenHop StartDtscreenImage StartDtscreenLife StartDtscreenRotor StartDtscreenPyro StartDtscreenWorm StartDtscreenBlank MAIL=/var/mail/winsor USER=winsor DISPLAY=:0.0 SHELL=/bin/csh DTAPPSEARCHPATH=/export/home/winsor/.dt/appmanager:/etc/dt /appconfig/appmanager/%L:/etc/dt/appconfig/appmanager/C :/usr/dt/appconfig/appmanager/%L:/usr/dt/appconfig/appmanager/C HOME=/export/home/winsor XFILESEARCHPATH=/usr/openwin/lib/locale/%L/%T/%N%S:/usr/openwin/lib/%T/ %N%S XMICONSEARCHPATH=/export/home/winsor/.dt/icons/ winsor/ .dt/icons/ icons/ %L/ %L/%B:/usr/dt/appconfig/icons/C/ %B TERM=dtterm dtstart_sessionlogfile=/dev/null TZ=US/Pacific DTHELPSEARCHPATH=/export/home/winsor/.dt/help/winsor-castle-0/ %H:/export/home/winsor/.dt/help/winsor-castle-0/%H.sdl: /export/home/winsor/.dt/help/winsor-castle-0/%H.hv:/export/ home/winsor/.dt/help/%H:/export/home/winsor/.dt/help/%H.sdl: /export/home/winsor/.dt/help/%H.hv:/usr/dt/appconfig/help/ %L/%H:/usr/dt/appconfig/help/%L/%H.sdl:/usr/dt/appconfig/help/ %L/%H.hv:/usr/dt/appconfig/help/C/%H:/usr/dt/appconfig/help/C/ %H.sdl:/usr/dt/appconfig/help/C/%H.hv XMBINDDIR=/usr/dt/lib/bindings WINDOWID=79691820 TERMINAL_EMULATOR=dtterm PWD=/export/home/winsor castle%
The PATH environment variable is very important. When the user executes a command using the full path name, the shell finds the command using that path name. However, when the user specifies only a command name, the shell searches the directories for the command in the order specified by the PATH variable. If the command is found in one of the directories, the shell executes it.
A default su PATH (/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/etc) is set by the system, but most users modify it to add additional command directories. Many user problems related to setting up the environment and accessing the right version of a command or a tool can be traced to incorrectly defined paths.
CAUTION! Including. in the path to search the current directory is a potential security problem. If security is an issue at your site, do not include . as part of a user's path. Never use . as part of the root path.
The path for the Bourne and Korn shells is specified in the user's $HOME/ .profile file in this way:
The path for the C shell is specified in the user's $HOME/.cshrc file (with the set path environment variable) in this way:
set path = (/usr/bin $home/bin.)
See the appropriate manual pages for an in-depth description of these commands and Chapter 10, "Recognizing File Access Problems," for more information about troubleshooting problems with paths.
Admintool is a graphical user interface that you can use to administer local systems. You can use Admintool to administer:
The next section describes how to start Admintool.
When using Admintool, you must be a member of the sysadmin UNIX group (GID 14) to run Admintool using your own UID, not as root. Anyone with root permissions on a local system can use Admintool to modify, create, or delete information in the local /etc files for that system. Use the following steps to start Admintool:
Figure 1-1 The Browse menu.
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