Table of Contents



/ (kernel directory), 284
| operator, 60
1/2-inch front-loaded reel drives, 69
3.5-inch diskettes, 94


aborting booting, 17
absolute path names (files), 75
ac command, 293
accept /reject command, 187
accounts, 305
adding, 212
Admintool, 227-230
administering with Admintool, 230-232
deleting with Admintool, 232-233
disabling with Admintool, 233
groups, setting up, 234
mail, configuring, 224
modifying, 230
setting up, 219-224
acronyms (tape drive controllers), 67
adb command, 293
Add command (Edit menu), 118
Add Group window, 238
add_services command, 293
disks, 99
NIS+ databases, 166
users, 209
Admintool, 230-232
administration tools, 36
Admintool, 49, 178, 300
bidirectional modems, configuring, 120
creating, 237-238
deleting, 239
modifying, 239
GUI (graphical user interface), 112
local printers, configuring, 118, 193-196
starting, 49, 112
adding, 227-230
administering, 230-232
deleting, 232-233
disabling, 233
Users window, 227
admintool& command, 243
alias command, 252
Korn shell, creating, 252
local mail, creating, 266
alphanumeric terminals, administration (SAF), 115
Alternative Multiuser State (run level 4), 12
analyze command, 293
appending files
diskettes, 96
tapes, 72
applications, workman, 92
arch command, 293
archiving files, 106, 300
ASET (Automated Security Enhancement Tool), 292
at command, 294
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Bourne Shell, 245
Korn shell, 249
AT&T System V, 3
Atomic style command, 192
atq command, 294
atrm command, 294
audit command, 294
audit_warn command, 294
auditd command, 294
Auto_home database, 300
AutoFS, 144
automount command, 294
automounter, 300
automounting directories, 144
awk command, 210
awk programming language, 210


Backspace key (C shell), setting, 248
backup tapes, choosing, 151
backups, 147-157
full backups, 302
incremental, 302
schedules, 301
bangs, 301
bar command, 97, 294
batch command, 294
Berkeley UNIX, 3
bidirectional modems, configuring with Admintool, 120
biod command, 294
blocks, repairing, 108
boot blocks, 301
boot messages, viewing, 15
boot server, 169
booting, 14, 301
aborting, 17
interactively, 15
single-user state, 14
systems, 14
Bourne, 243, 245
environment variables
defining, 46, 245
PATH, 48
initialization file, 245
search paths, setting, 270
Bourne, Steve, 245
Browse menu commands
Groups, 237
Printers, 194
Serial Ports, 113
Users, 228
BSD, see Berkeley UNIX
bus controllers (disks), 100


C shell, 243-245
Backspace key, setting, 248
command history, 245
environment variables
defining, 246
setting paths, 48
history, 246
editing, 248
setting, 246
rehash command, 248
search paths, setting, 270
variables, defining, 46
C2conv command, 294
C2unconv command, 294
CacheFS, 128
creating, 155
caches, 301
creating, 156
maintaining, 158
CALENDAR environment variable, 45
cancelling print requests, 206
cat command, 56
catman command, 61
cc command, 294
cd command, 197
CDE (Common Desktop Environment), 301
displaying contents, 88
formatting, 90
input variables, 46
search path variables, 46
variables, 46
CDPATH environment variable, 45
files, accessing shared, 84
mounting, 77
remote, sharing files, 83
volume management, 77, 82
mount points, 81
change_login command, 294
check4 command, 294
chgrp command, 218, 294
chmod command, 272, 294
chown command, 218, 272, 294
classes (processes)
changing, 34
displaying information, 31
clear command, 244
client command, 294
client failover (NFS), 126
clients, print, 193
clri command, 135
colldef command, 294
colltbl command, 294
command history (C shell), 245
command line
commands, combining, 59
diskettes, formatting, 85
shells, changing, 244
Command Tool windows, opening, 16
commands, 26, 53, 73, 135, 210, 297-299
ac, 293
accept/reject, 187
adb, 293
add_services, 293
admintool&, 243
alias, 252
analyze, 293
arch, 293
at, 294
atomic style, 192
atq, 294
atrm, 294
audit, 294
audit_warn, 294
auditid, 294
automount, 294
bar, 97, 294
batch, 294
biod, 294
Browse menu
Groups, 237
Printers, 194
Serial Ports, 113
Users, 228
C2conv, 294
C2unconv, 294
cat, 56
catman, 61
cc, 294
cd, 197
change_login, 294
check4, 294
chgrp, 218, 294
chmod, 272, 294
chown, 218, 272, 294
clear, 244
client, 294
clri, 135
colldef, 294
combining, 59
| operator, 60
command line, 59
context-based style, 192
cp, 57
cpio, 65, 90
crash, 294
csh, 244
date, 263, 294
dbxtool, 295
dcheck, 295
dd, 106, 295
debugger, 295
devinfo, 295
devnm, 138, 295
df, 135, 295
dispadmin, 19
dkctl, 295
dkinfo, 295
dorfs, 295
du, 104, 295
dump, 295
dumpfs, 295
echo $PATH, 270
Edit menu
Add, 118
Delete, 239
Modify, 231
egrep, 39
eject, 94
equivalents, 293-299
etherfind, 295
executing, 271
exit, 244
exportfs, 295
extract_files, 295
extract_patch, 295
extract_unbundled, 295
fastboot, 295
fdformat, 94
ff, 135
file, 295
find, 38, 295
finger, 53
fmt_mail, 295
fsck, 111, 135, 146, 295
fsdb, 135
fsirand, 296
fstyp, 135, 138
ftp, 163-164
grep, 210
groupadd, 210
groupmod, 211
halt, 14
hostid, 296
hostname, 296
idconfig, 296
init, 296
installtxt, 296
intr, 296
iostat, 296
keyenvoy, 296
kill, 25
Korn shell, 250-251
displaying, 254
editing, 253
ksh, 244
labelit, 135
leave, 296
lint, 296
load, 296
load_package, 296
loadc, 296
lpadmin, 187, 197
lpc, 296
lpd, 296
lpfilter, 187
lpforms, 187
lpmove, 187
lpq, 296
lpr, 296
lprm, 296
lpshut, 187
lpstat, 198, 202, 205
lpsystem, 187
lptest, 296
lpusers, 187
ls, 296
mach, 296
mail, 294
make, 209
makekey, 296
man, 61, 296
manual pages, 61
mkfile, 264
mkfs, 135, 296
mknod, 296
modstat, 297
mount, 110, 126, 135, 297
mount_tfs, 297
mountall, 135, 218
mv, 57
ncheck, 135, 297
ndbootd, 297
newfs, 110
nice, 19, 35
nisbackup, 149
nisclient, 209
nismatch, 210
nispasswd, 225
nisrestore, 149
nistbladm, 209
nlsadmin, 297
nulladmin, 297
output, redirecting, 60
pac, 297
partition, 108
passwd, 210
pax, 76, 297
paxcpio, 297
pcred, 20, 26
pfiles, 20, 26
pflags, 20, 26
ping, 162
pkgadd, 293-295
pkgrm, 241
pldd, 20, 26
pmadm, 121
pmap, 20, 26
portmap, 297
POSIX style, 192
praudit, 297
printenv, 297
printing, 200
priocntl, 19, 30
prtconf, 258
prtvtoc, 105, 295
prun, 20, 26
ps, 19, 21, 297
psig, 20, 26
pstack, 20
pstat, 297
pstop, 20, 26
ptime, 20, 26
ptree, 20, 26
pwait, 20, 26
pwdx, 20, 26
r mail, 298
rc, 297
rc.boot, 297
rc.local, 297
rcp, 163
rdump, 297
reboot, 14
rehash, 248
reset -s, 297
restore, 297
retension, 70
rewind, 70
rfstart, 295
rfstop, 295
rlogin, 162-163
rm_client, 298
rpcinfo, 162
rup, 161
rusage, 298
rusers -l, 53-54
rwall, 298
sacadm, 121
sacadmin, 288
sar, 293
set history, 246
setid, 298
sh, 244
share, 295
shells, 243
shutdown, 10, 13, 18, 278, 298
sort, 210
startup, 298
status, 70
stdout, 290
stty, 298
stty erase, 248
su (switch user), 5
suninstall, 298
swap, 264
swapon, 298
sys-config, 298
sysdef -h, 257
tar, 70-71, 90, 95
telinit/init, 14
tfsd, 298
tip, 122
touch, 57
troff, 290
trpt, 298
tset, 298
ttysoftcar, 298
tzsetup, 299
ufsdump, 148, 295
ufsrestore, 110, 149
umask, 222
umount, 111, 135, 299
umount_tfs, 299
umountall, 135
uname, 293
uname -m, 257
uname -r, 257
unload, 299
unset4, 299
update, 299
uptime, 262, 299
useradd, 209
userdel, 210
usermod, 210
users, 299
/usr/proc/bin directory, 26
uulog, 299
uusend, 299
vi, 58-59
vipw, 299
vmstat, 299
volcheck, 86
wall, 299
whatis, 61
whereis, 299
which, 271
who, 53
who -b, 262
whoami, 299
whodo, 53-54
ypbatchchupd, 299
yppasswd, 299
ypserv, 299
Common Desktop Environment (CDE), see CDE
configuration files, LP print service, 185
bidirectional modems with Admintool, 120
disk slices, 102
Group databases, 235
local printers with Admintool, 118, 193-196
mail accounts, 224
PostScript print clients, 199
print servers, 196-197
print services, 193
users, 224
SunOS 5.x, 277
swap space, 264
system environments, 43
Context-based style command, 192
controllers (tape drives), abbreviations, 67
converting systems (Host Manager), 168
data from disks, 106
directories (tapes), 70, 74
files, 57
multiple diskettes, 97
tapes, 70, 76
core files, 301
cp command, 57
cpio command, 65, 73, 90
crash command, 294
crash dumps, 301
csh command, 244
current search path, displaying, 270
cylinder group maps, 301
cylinder groups, 301


daemons, 12, 301
LP print service, 186
Database Manager (Solstice AdminSuite), 51
Auto_home, 300
Group, setting up, 235
NIS+, 166
Passwd, 303
date and time (systems), determining/setting, 263
date command, 263, 294
dbxtool command, 295
dcheck command, 295
dd command, 106, 295
debugger command, 295
default printers, printing to, 200
environment variables
Bourne, 245
C shell, 246
groups, 234
installation files, 219
LP print services, 186
variables, 46
Delete command (Edit menu), 239
deleting groups, 239
density (tape drives), specifying, 66-67
DESKSET environment variable, 45
/dev directory, 285
device names
diskette drives, 94
SunOS 5.x conventions, 287
/devices directory, 284
devinfo command, 295
devnm command, 138, 295
df command, 135, 295
DFS, 283
direct controllers (disks), 101
directories, 36
automounting, 144
copying tapes, 74
home directories, 215-218
LP print service, 183
spooling directories, 190
retieving tapes, 72
SunOS 5.x changes, 283
disabling volume management, 93
disk quotas, 301
disk space, displaying, 62
disk-based file systems, 126
diskette drives, device names, 94
diskettes, 94, 301
displaying contents, 88
appending, 96
copying to multiple, 97
listing, 95
retrieving, 96
CDE File Manager, 90
command line, 85
File Manager, 86
ufs, 94
PCFS, 98
mounting, 99
reformatting, 94
removing, 94
UFS files, copying to, 95
volume management, 77, 85
diskless clients, 301
disks, 301
administering, 99
bus controllers, 100
copying data from, 106
direct controllers, 101
checking, 105
finding, 62
naming conventions, 99
reformatting, 108
repairing, 106
blocks, 108
replacing, 108
choosing, 103
configuring, 102
file systems, 100
x86, 103
dispadmin command, 19
displaying, 31, 204
current search paths, 270
disk space, 62
diskette contents, 88
environment variable settings, 47
file information, 37
files, 40
host ID numbers, 257
Korn shell commands, 254
manual pages, 61
printer status, 202, 205
process class information, 31
process global priorities, 31
process information, 27-30
system configurations, 258
system environments, 43
system-specific information, 257
tape drive status, 70
dkctl command, 295
dkinfo command, 295
domain addressing, 302
domains, 301
fully qualified domain name, 302
dorfs command, 295
DOS diskettes, 98
DS (double-sided) diskettes, 94
du (disk use) command, 104, 295
dump command, 295
dumpfs command, 295
dumps, 302


echo $PATH command, 270
Edit menu commands
Add, 118
Delete, 239
Modify, 231
C shell history, 248
commands, Korn shell, 253
files, 56
egrep command, 39
eject command, 94
e-mail, 302
accounts, configuring, 224
messages, sending, 10
environment variables, 43-45, 302
Bourne, defining, 46, 245
C shell, defining, 246
defining, 46
PATH, 48
settings, displaying, 47
information, finding, 55
system, displaying/setting, 43
users, defining, 219-224
/etc directory, 285
/etc/default directory, 291
/etc/inittab file, 278
/etc/mail/aliases file, 266
/etc/passwd file, editing, 212
/etc/shadow file, 291
/etc/TIMEZONE file, 263
etherfind command, 295
execute permissions, granting, 272
execute-only permissions, 273
executing commands, 271
exit command, 244
exiting shells, 244
exportfs command, 295
extract_files command, 295
extract_patch command, 295
extract_unbundled command, 295


fastboot command, 295
fdformat command, 94
FDFS (file descriptors), 130
ff command, 135
FIFOS (first-in first-out), 130
file command, 295
File Manager, formatting diskettes, 86
File Manager CD-ROM window, 83
file systems, 125, 302
administrative commands, 134
availability, 138
backing up, 147-157
CacheFS, 128
creating, 155
commands, manual pages, 136
data consistency, checking, 146
default, SunOS 5.x, 130-131
DFS, 283
disks, slices, 100
FDFS, 130
FIFOS, 130
HSFS, 127
interactively checking, 147
local, determining, 63
LOFS, 128
mounting, 63, 139-143
navigating, 36
NFS, 127, 283
determining, 63
PCFS, 127
PROFS, 129
remaking, 110
restoring, 147-157
RFS, 127, 283
S5FS, 127
SunOS 5.x, 283
TMPFS, 128
types, 126
determining, 136-137
UFS, 126
unmounting, 140-143
VFS, 125
virtual file system table, 131
absolute path names, 75
appending on diskettes, 96
archiving, 106
CD-ROMs, accessing shared, 84
copying, 57
multiple diskettes, 97
tapes, 70, 74, 76
creating, 56
displaying, 37, 40
editing, 56
finding, 37
information, 37, 39
types, 38
group ownership, changing, 43
initialization files
Bourne, 245
C shell, 245
defining, 219
Korn shell, 249
large files, handling, 126
diskettes, 95
tapes, 71
naming with metacharacters, 72
ownership, changing, 42, 272
permissions, changing, 42, 272
renaming, 57
diskettes, 96
tapes, 72, 75-76
remote CD-ROM drives, 83
servers, 145
subsets, retrieving from tapes, 75
text strings, searches, 39
transferring, systems, 163
UFS, copying to diskettes, 95
viewing, beginning/end, 41
volume management, 78-81
filtering print files (LP print service), 181
find command, 38, 295
disk information, 62
environment information, 55
files, 37
information, 37, 39
text strings, 39
types, 38
GID settings, 55
manual pages, section
numbers, 61
mounted file systems, 63, 140-143
UID settings, 55
users, information, 53
finger command, 53
fmt_mail command, 295
formatting diskettes
CDE FIle Manger, 90
command line, 85
File Manager, 86
reformatting, 94
ufs, 94
forms, tracking with LP print
service, 182
fsck command, 111, 135, 146, 295
fsdb command, 135
fsirand command, 296
fstyp command, 135, 138
ftp command, 163-164
full backups, 302
fully qualified domain names, 302


gateways, 302
GIDs (group IDs), 302
large, 213
settings, finding, 55
global priorities, displaying
processes, 31
grace periods for shutdowns, changing, 18
grep command, 210
Group database, 302
fields, setting up, 235
group IDs, 274
Group ID field, 236
Group Manager (Solstice
AdminSuite), 50
Group Name field, 236
groupadd command, 210
groupmod command, 211
creating, 237-238
defining, 234
deleting, 239
modifying, 239
ownership, changing, 43, 274
setting up, 234
Groups command (Browse menu), 237


halt command, 14
handling, 126
hangs, 302
adding, 16
determining, 257
Hayes Smartmodem 2400, 122
HD (high-density) diskettes, 94
helical scan drives, 69
help, manual pages, 61
C shell, 246
editing, 248
setting, 246
Korn shell, setting, 253
history environment variable, 45
history logs, LP print service, 188
home directories, 302
creating, 215-218
NFS-mounting, 218
HOME environment variable, 43
HoneyDanBer UUCP, 289
Host Manager, 50, 167
multihoned hosts, adding, 170
OS services, adding/
removing, 168
remote installation
services, establishing, 169
restrictions, 170
root passwords, setting, 169
scripts, enabling, 169
system types, updating, 168
systems, converting, 168
tasks, queueing, 169
hostid command, 296
hostname command, 296
hosts, displaying ID numbers, 257
Hosts database, 302
HSFS (High Sierra FS), 127
HZ environment variable, 45


ID numbers of hosts, displaying, 257
incremental backups, 150, 302
init 0 command, 295
init 6 command, 295
init command, 296
init states, 10, 303
choosing, 10
run levels, changing, 12
initialization files, 302
Bourne shell, 245
C shell, 245
defining, 219
Korn shell, 249
in-line editor (Korn shell), 253
inodes, 303
input variables, 303
CDE, 46
install servers, 169
installing SunOS 5.x, 277
installtxt command, 296
Interactive Reboot State (run level 5), 12
interactively booting, 15
interactively checking file systems, 147
internal files, LP print services, 186
intr command, 296
iostat command, 296
IP addresses, 303


Joy, Bill (C shell), 245
Kerberos authentication, 293
kernels, 303
keyenvoy command, 296
kill command, 25
killing processes, 25
Korn shell, 243
aliases, creating, 252
commands, 250-251
displaying, 254
editing, 253
environment variables, PATH, 48
history, setting, 253
initialization files, 249
search paths, setting, 270
variables, defining, 46
Korn, David (Korn shell), 249
ksh command, 244


labelit command, 135
LANG environment variable, 44, 223
large files, 126
large GIDs, 213
large UIDs, 213
LC environment variable, 44, 223
ldconfig command, 296
leave command, 296
lint command, 296
diskettes, 95
tapes, 71
table of contents, 74
load averages (remote systems), checking, 161
load command, 296
load_ package command, 296
loadc command, 296
local file systems, determining, 63
local mail aliases, creating, 266
local printers, configuring with Admintool, 118, 193-196
local security (SunOS 5.x), 291
LOFS (Loopback File System), 128
log files, LP print service, 187
logical unit numbers (tape drives), 66
login names, 303
LOGNAME environment variable, 44
remote systems, 163
root, 6
system-specific messages, displaying, 7
users, determining, 53
LP print service, 179
commands, 178, 184, 187
configuration files, 185
daemons, 186
files, administering, 180-181
forms, tracking, 182
internal files, 186
jobs, status tracking, 182
log files, 187
print files, filtering, 181
printer interface program, 182
printers, definitions, 186
printwheels, tracking, 183
problem alerts, receiving, 183
request logs, codes, 189
requests, scheduling, 180-181
spooling directories, 190
structure, 183
lpadmin command, 187, 197
lpc command, 296
lpd command, 296
LPDEST environment variable, 45
lpfilter command, 187
lpforms command, 187
lpmove command, 187
lpNet daemon (network print requests), 181
lpq command, 296
lpr command, 296
lprm command, 296
lpshut command, 187
lpstat command, 198, 202, 205
lpsystem command, 187
lptest command, 296
lpusers command, 187
ls command, 296


mach command, 296
magnetic tapes, see tapes
mail, creating local mail aliases, 266
mail command, 294
MAIL environment variable, 45
make command, 209
makekey command, 296
man command, 61, 296
MANPATH environment variable, 45
MANSECTS environment variable, 45
manual pages, 61, 303
commands, file systems, 136
displaying, 61
passwords, 225
section pages, finding, 61
boot messages, viewing, 15
messages of the day, creating, 7
sending, 8
e-mail, 10
universally, 9
displaying at login, 7
metacharacters, 303
file names, 72
mkfile command, 264
mkfs command, 135, 296
mknod command, 296
modems, 122
administration (SAF), 115
bidirectional modems, configuring, 120
Hayes Smartmodem 2400, 122
naming conventions, 288
Modify command (Edit menu), 231
Modify User window, 231
modstat command, 297
monitor, 303
monitoring processes, 19
mount command, 110, 126, 135, 297
mount points, 303
CD-ROMs, volume management, 81
creating, 156
mount_tfs command, 297
mountall command, 135, 218
mounted file systems, finding, 63, 140-143
CD-ROMs, 77
directories, automounting, 144
file systems, 139-143
home directories, NFS-mounting, 218
PCFS diskettes, 99
multihomed host aliases, adding with Host Manager, 170
multiple copies, printing, 201
multiuser state (run level 2), 12
booting, 14
multiuser systems
rebooting, 18
shutting down, 17-18
mv command, 57


naming conventions
devices, 287
disks, 99
files, metacharacters, 72
tape drives, 66
naming services, 289
ncheck command, 135, 297
ndbootd command, 297
Network Information Service Plus, see NIS+
network printers, support, 177
network-based file systems, 127
networks, sending messages, 9
newfs command, 110
NFS, 127, 283, 303
client failover, 126
determining, 63
WebNFS, 126
nice command, 19, 35
NIS, 303
NIS+ (Network Information Service Plus), 161, 289, 303
databases, administering, 166
Host Manager, see Host Manager
security, 173
tables, 170, 172
nisbackup command, 149
nisclient command, 209
nismatch command, 210
nispasswd command, 225
nisrestore command, 149
nistbladm command, 209
nlsadmin command, 297
no-rewind option (tape drives), 67
notifications (printing), 201
nulladm command, 297


opening Command Tool windows, 16
OpenWindows, 303
OPENWINHOME environment variable, 45
operators, redirecting output, 60
/opt directory, 284
options (Korn shell), 250
OS release level, determining, 257
OS services, adding/removing with Host Manager, 168
changing, 272
files, 42
groups, 274
troubleshooting, 271


pac command, 297
parsees, 303
partition command, 108
partitions, 303
passwd command, 210, 297
Passwd database, 303
creating, 225-227
manual pages, 225
root, 5
setting, 169
PATH environment variable, 44, 48
path names, 303
paths, 303
pax (portable archive interchange) command, 76, 297
paxcpio command, 297
PCFS, 127
diskettes, 98-99
pcred command, 20, 26
changing, 42, 272
troubleshooting, 271
pfiles command, 20, 26
pflags command, 20, 26
ping command, 162
pkgadd command, 293-295
pkgrm command, 241
pldd command, 20, 26
pmadm command, 121
pmap command, 20, 26
port monitors, 114, 288, 304
portmap command, 297
ports, 303
printer, monitoring, 115
POSIX style command, 192
PostScript print clients, configuring, 199
power cycling, 304
power-down state (run level 0), 11
praudit command, 297
preening, 304
print clients, 177-178, 191-193
configuration resources, 192
PostScript, configuring, 199
print requests, submitting, 192
processes, 192
print files, filtering (LP print service), 181
Print Manager, 178
print protocol adapter, 176
print requests
scheduling with LP print service, 180-181
submitting from print client, 192
print servers, 193
configuring, 196-197
printenv command, 297
printer interface program, LP print service, 182
Printer Manager (Solstice AdminSuite), 51
printer ports, monitoring, 115
printer status, 204
availability, determining, 202
characteristics, displaying, 205
configuring with Admintool, 118
default, printing to, 200
definitions, LP print service, 186
local printers, configuring, 193-196
managing, 178
naming conventions, 288
network printers, support, 177
printing to by name, 201
determining, 202
displaying, 202, 204
users, setting up, 224
Printers command (Browse menu), 194
printing, 175
administrative tools, 178
commands, 200
to default printers, 200
job complete notifications, requesting, 201
LP print service, 179
multiple copies, 201
print client, 177, 191
print packages, 175
print protocol adapter, 176
requests, cancelling, 206
services, configuring, 193
SunOS 5.x, 288
printwheels, tracking with LP print service, 183
priocntl command, 19, 30
priorities of processes
changing, 35
designating, 33
process file system (procfs), 20
processes, 19, 304
classes, 31
changing, 34
controlling information, 27-28
displaying information, 27-30
global priorities, displaying, 31
killing, 25
monitoring, 19
print client, 192
changing, 35
designating, 33
ps command, 21
reports, 22, 24
runaway processes, 304
timeshare processes, scheduling parameters, 33
tools, 20
troubleshooting, 35
zombies, 305
PROFS (Process File System), 129
PROM (programmable read-only memory), 304
prompt environment variable, 45
prtconf command, 258
prtvtoc (print volume table of contents) command, 105, 295
prun command, 20, 26
ps (process status) command, 19, 21, 297
reports, 22, 24
PS1 environment variable, 43
pseudo file systems, see virtual file systems
psig command, 20, 26
pstack command, 20
pstat command, 297
pstop command, 20, 26
ptime command, 20, 26
ptree command, 20, 26
Public NFS, see WebNFS
pwait command, 20, 26
pwdx command, 20, 26


QIC format (SCSI tape drives), 69
QIC-150 cartridge tapes, backing up file systems, 149
queue logs (LP Print service), 188
queueing tasks with Host Manager, 169


r mail command, 298
rack-mounted 1/2-inch tape drives, 68
rc command, 297
rc.boot command, 297
rc.local command, 297
rc0 script, 279
rc1 script (SunOS 5.x), 280
rc2 script (SunOS 5.x), 280
rc3 script (SunOS 5.x), 281
rc5 script (SunOS 5.x), 282
rc6 script (SunOS 5.x), 282
rcp command, 163
rcS script (SunOS 5.x), 282
rdump command, 297
read permissions, granting, 272
read, execute permissions, 273
read, write permissions, 273
read, write, execute permissions, 273
read-only permissions, 273
reboot command, 14
Reboot State (run level 6), 12
rebooting multiuser systems, 18
redirecting command output, 60
reformatting disks, 94, 108
registration, users, 240
rehash command, 248
remote installation services, establishing with Host Manager, 169
remote systems
activity, checking, 162
checking, 161
files, transferring, 163
load averages, checking, 161
longevity, checking, 161
logging in, 163
remote-resource sharing state (run level 3), 12
renaming files, 57
repairing disks, 106
blocks, 108
replacing disks, 108
reports, ps command, 22, 24
request logs, LP print service, 189
reserved UIDs, 213
reset -s command, 297
restore command, 297
restoring file systems, 147-157
restrictions, shells, 292
retensioning tapes, 70
retrieving files
diskettes, 96
tapes, 75-76
rewinding tapes, 70
RFS (remote file sharing), 127, 283
rfstart command, 295
rfstop command, 295
rlogin command, 162-163
rm_client command, 298
root, logging in as, 6
root password, 5
setting with Host Manager, 169
rpcinfo command, 162
run levels
changing, 12
choosing, 11
runaway processes, 304
rup command, 161
rusage command, 298
rusers -l command, 53-54
rwall command, 298


S5FS, 127
sacadm command, 121, 288
SAF (Service Access Facility), 65, 112, 304
alphanumeric terminals, administration, 115
modems, administration, 115
port monitor, 114
printer ports, monitoring, 115
sar command, 293
/sbin directory, 286
/sbin/rc directory, 279
scheduling parameters (timeshare processes), changing, 33
scripts, enabling with Host Manager, 169
SCSI 1/4-inch cartridge drives, 69
SCSI tape drives, 66
QIC format, 69
search paths
current, displaying, 270
setting in shells, 270
troubleshooting, 269
variables, CDE, 46
verifying, 271
section numbers, finding in manual pages, 61
ASET, 292
Kerberos, 293
NIS+, 173
SunOS 4.x, 291
SunOS 5.x, 291-292
sending messages, 8
e-mail, 10
universally, 9
sendmail program, 224
Serial Port Manager (Solstice AdminSuite), 51
Serial Ports command (Browse menu), 113
servers, 304
boot servers, 169
files, sharing, 145
install servers, 169
print servers, 193
configuring, 196-197
Service Access Facility (SAF), see SAF
set history command, 246
setsid command, 298
setting root passwords with Host Manager, 169
sh command, 244
share command, 295
sharing files
remote CD-ROM drives, 83
servers, 145
SHELL environment variable, 45
shells, 243, 304
changing from command line, 244
commands, 243
exiting, 244
restrictions, 292
windows, clearing, 244
shutdown command, 10, 13, 18, 278, 298
shutting down
grace periods, changing, 18
multiuser systems, 18
single-user systems, 19
SunOS 5.x, 278
systems, 10, 17-18
on-the-fly, 19
without confirmation, 18
single-user state (run level S), 12
booting, 14
single-user systems, shutting down, 19
slices (disks), 304
choosing, 103
configuring, 102
file systems, 100
x86, 103
software, 50
Print Client, 177
Solstice AdminSuite 2.3, 49-51
Solaris 2.3 volume management, changes, 92
Solaris Common Desktop Environment Advanced User's and System Administrator's Guide, 46
Solstice AdminSuite 2.3, 49-51
sort command, 210
SPECFS (special file system), 130
spooling directories, 304
LP print service, 190
spooling space, 304
stand-alone systems, 304
Admintool, 49, 112
SunOS 5.x, 278
systems, 10
startup command, 298
state flags, 304
status command, 70
stdout command, 290
Storage Manager (Solstice AdminSuite), 51
streaming tapes, 70
stty command, 298
stty erase command, 248
su (switch user) command, 5
subsets of files, retrieving on tapes, 75
Sun Microsystems Web site, 51
suninstall command, 298
SunOS 4.x
security, 291
SunOS 5.x command equivalents, 293-299
SunOS 5.x, 3
configuration, 277
contents, 278
device-naming conventions, 287
directories, 283
file systems, 130-131, 283
installation, 277
naming services, 289
printing, 288
rc0 script, 279
rc1 script, 280
rc2 script, 280
rc3 script, 281
rc5 script, 282
rc6 script, 282
security, 291-292
shutting down, 278
starting, 278
SunOS 4.x command equvalents, 293-299
TCP/IP user interface, 289
UUCP (UNIX-to-UNIX Copy), 289
superusers, 5-6, 304
swap command, 264
swap files, 304
swap space, configuring, 264
swapon command, 298
symbolic links, 304
/sys directory, 286
sys-config command, 298
sysdef -h command, 257
system administrator state (run level 1), 11
system administrators, 3
duties, 3-4
users, comunication with, 6
system states, 10
systems, 304
booting, 14
configuration, displaying, 258
converting with Host Manager, 168
date and time, determining/setting, 263
environments, displaying/setting, 43
files, transferring, 163
adding, 16
determining, 257
local mail aliases, creating, 266
longevity, determining, 262
OS release levels, determining, 257
remote systems, checking, 161
shutting down, 10, 17-18
on-the-fly, 19
without cofirmation, 18
stand-alone systems, 304
starting up, 10
swap space, configuring, 264
system-specific information, displaying, 257
time zones, changing, 263
updating with Host Manager, 168
system-specific messages, displaying at login, 7


table of contents (tapes), listing, 74
tables, NIS+, 170, 172
tape drives
controllers, abbreviations, 67
densities, specifying, 67
front-loaded 1/2-inch reel drives, 69
helical scan drives, 69
logical unit numbers, 66
naming conventions, 66-67
no-rewind option, 67
rack-mounted 1/2-inch reel drives, 68
SCSI, 66, 69
specifying default density, 66
status, displaying, 70
Xylogics 472, 66
tapes, 65
copying to, 70
retrieving, 72
tapes, 74
appending, 72
copying, 70, 76
listing, 71
retrieving, 72, 75-76
retensioning, 70
rewinding, 70
streaming, 70
table of contents, listing, 74
tar command, 70-71, 90, 95
TCP/IP, user interface, 289
telinit, 13
telinit /init command, 14
TERM environment variable, 45
terminals, naming conventions, 288
TERMINFO environment variable, 45
Text Editor, 58
text strings, file searches, 39
tfsd command, 298
time zones, changing, 263
timeshare processes (scheduling parameters), changing, 33
tip command, 122
TMPFS (Temporary File System), 128
touch command, 57
transferring files (systems), 163
troff command, 290
ownership, 271
permissions, 271
processes, 35
search paths, 269
volume management, 91
trpt command, 298
tset command, 298
ttysoftcar command, 298
TZ environment variable, 45
tzsetup command, 299


UFS, 126, 305
diskettes, formatting, 94
files, copying, 95
ufsdump command, 148, 295
ufsrestore command, 110, 149
UIDs (user IDs), 305
large, 213
numbers, 213
reserved, 213
settings, finding, 55
umask command, 222
umount command, 111, 135, 299
umount_tfs command, 299
umountall command, 135
uname command, 293
uname -m command, 257
uname -r command, 257
unit characters, tape drive names, 67
universally sending messages, 9
AT&T System V, 3
Berkeley, 3
shells, 243, 304
SunOS 5.x, 3
unload command, 299
unmounting file systems, 140-143
unset4 command, 299
update command, 299
updating systems with Host Manager, 168
uptime command, 262, 299
user IDs, see UIDs
User List field, 236
User Manager (Solstice AdminSuite), 51
user masks, 305
User Registration, 239
useradd command, 209
userdel command, 210
usermod command, 210
users, 305
disabling, 233
modifying, 230
setting up, 219-224
adding, 212
Admintool, 227-230
Admintool, 230-232
tools, 209
communication with, 6
deleting, 232-233
information, finding, 53
logons, determining, 53
mail accounts, configuring, 224
messages, sending, 8
passwords, creating, 225-227
printers, setting up, 224
registration, 240
superusers, 5-6
UIDs, see UIDs
users command, 299
Users command (Browse menu), 228
/usr directory, 286
/usr/proc/bin directory, 26
/usr/sbin directory, 287
Admintool, 49
AutoFS, 144
Host Manager, 167
port manager, 114
sendmail, 224
Text Editor, 58
User Registration, 239
UUCP (UNIX-to-UNIX Copy), 289
uulog command, 299
uusend command, 299


/var directory, 287
/var/sadm /install/contents file, 278
C shell, defining, 46
CDE, 46
environment, 43-45
defining, 46
displaying settings, 47
PATH, 48
input, 303
Korn, defining, 46
LANG, 223
LC, 223
VFS, 125
vi (visual editor) command, 58-59
boot messages, 15
files, 40-41
manual pages, 61
vipw command, 299
virtual file system table, 131
virtual file systems, 127
virtual memory, 305
vmstat command, 299
volcheck command, 86
volcopy command, 135
volume management
CD-ROMs, 77, 82
mount points, 81
disabling, 93
diskettes, 85
files, 78-81
troubleshooting, 91
workman, 92
vswap command, 299


wall command, 299
WebNFS, 126
whatis command, 61
whereis command, 299
which command, 271
who -b command, 262
who command, 53
whoami command, 299
whodo command, 53-54
Add Group, 238
Command Tool, opening, 16
File Manager CD-ROM, 83
Modify User window, 231
shells, clearing, 244
Users window, 227
workman, volume management, 92
write, execute permissions, 273
write-only permissions, 273


x86 slices (disks), 103
Xylogics 472 tape drives, 66
ypbatchupd command, 299
yppasswd command, 299
ypserv command, 299
zombies, 305

Table of Contents