- / (kernel directory), 284
- | operator, 60
- 1/2-inch front-loaded reel drives, 69
- 3.5-inch diskettes, 94
- aborting booting, 17
- absolute path names (files), 75
- ac command, 293
- accept /reject command, 187
- accounts, 305
- adding, 212
- Admintool, 227-230
- administering with Admintool, 230-232
- deleting with Admintool, 232-233
- disabling with Admintool, 233
- groups, setting up, 234
- mail, configuring, 224
- modifying, 230
- setting up, 219-224
- acronyms (tape drive controllers), 67
- adb command, 293
- Add command (Edit menu), 118
- Add Group window, 238
- add_services command, 293
- administering
- disks, 99
- NIS+ databases, 166
- users, 209
- Admintool, 230-232
- administration tools, 36
- Admintool, 49, 178, 300
- bidirectional modems, configuring, 120
- groups
- creating, 237-238
- deleting, 239
- modifying, 239
- GUI (graphical user interface), 112
- local printers, configuring, 118, 193-196
- starting, 49, 112
- users
- adding, 227-230
- administering, 230-232
- deleting, 232-233
- disabling, 233
- Users window, 227
- admintool& command, 243
- alias command, 252
- aliases
- Korn shell, creating, 252
- local mail, creating, 266
- alphanumeric terminals, administration (SAF), 115
- Alternative Multiuser State (run level 4), 12
- analyze command, 293
- appending files
- diskettes, 96
- tapes, 72
- applications, workman, 92
- arch command, 293
- archiving files, 106, 300
- ASET (Automated Security Enhancement Tool), 292
- at command, 294
- AT&T Bell Laboratories
- Bourne Shell, 245
- Korn shell, 249
- AT&T System V, 3
- Atomic style command, 192
- atq command, 294
- atrm command, 294
- audit command, 294
- audit_warn command, 294
- auditd command, 294
- Auto_home database, 300
- AutoFS, 144
- automount command, 294
- automounter, 300
- automounting directories, 144
- awk command, 210
- awk programming language, 210
- Backspace key (C shell), setting, 248
- backup tapes, choosing, 151
- backups, 147-157
- full backups, 302
- incremental, 302
- schedules, 301
- bangs, 301
- bar command, 97, 294
- batch command, 294
- Berkeley UNIX, 3
- bidirectional modems, configuring with Admintool, 120
- biod command, 294
- blocks, repairing, 108
- boot blocks, 301
- boot messages, viewing, 15
- boot server, 169
- booting, 14, 301
- aborting, 17
- interactively, 15
- single-user state, 14
- systems, 14
- Bourne, 243, 245
- environment variables
- defining, 46, 245
- PATH, 48
- initialization file, 245
- search paths, setting, 270
- Bourne, Steve, 245
- Browse menu commands
- Groups, 237
- Printers, 194
- Serial Ports, 113
- Users, 228
- BSD, see Berkeley UNIX
- bus controllers (disks), 100
- C shell, 243-245
- Backspace key, setting, 248
- command history, 245
- environment variables
- defining, 246
- setting paths, 48
- history, 246
- editing, 248
- setting, 246
- rehash command, 248
- search paths, setting, 270
- variables, defining, 46
- C2conv command, 294
- C2unconv command, 294
- CacheFS, 128
- creating, 155
- caches, 301
- creating, 156
- maintaining, 158
- CALENDAR environment variable, 45
- cancelling print requests, 206
- cat command, 56
- catman command, 61
- cc command, 294
- cd command, 197
- CDE (Common Desktop Environment), 301
- diskettes
- displaying contents, 88
- formatting, 90
- input variables, 46
- search path variables, 46
- variables, 46
- CDPATH environment variable, 45
- files, accessing shared, 84
- mounting, 77
- remote, sharing files, 83
- volume management, 77, 82
- mount points, 81
- change_login command, 294
- check4 command, 294
- chgrp command, 218, 294
- chmod command, 272, 294
- chown command, 218, 272, 294
- classes (processes)
- changing, 34
- displaying information, 31
- clear command, 244
- client command, 294
- client failover (NFS), 126
- clients, print, 193
- clri command, 135
- colldef command, 294
- colltbl command, 294
- command history (C shell), 245
- command line
- commands, combining, 59
- diskettes, formatting, 85
- shells, changing, 244
- Command Tool windows, opening, 16
- commands, 26, 53, 73, 135, 210, 297-299
- ac, 293
- accept/reject, 187
- adb, 293
- add_services, 293
- admintool&, 243
- alias, 252
- analyze, 293
- arch, 293
- at, 294
- atomic style, 192
- atq, 294
- atrm, 294
- audit, 294
- audit_warn, 294
- auditid, 294
- automount, 294
- bar, 97, 294
- batch, 294
- biod, 294
- Browse menu
- Groups, 237
- Printers, 194
- Serial Ports, 113
- Users, 228
- C2conv, 294
- C2unconv, 294
- cat, 56
- catman, 61
- cc, 294
- cd, 197
- change_login, 294
- check4, 294
- chgrp, 218, 294
- chmod, 272, 294
- chown, 218, 272, 294
- clear, 244
- client, 294
- clri, 135
- colldef, 294
- combining, 59
- | operator, 60
- command line, 59
- context-based style, 192
- cp, 57
- cpio, 65, 90
- crash, 294
- csh, 244
- date, 263, 294
- dbxtool, 295
- dcheck, 295
- dd, 106, 295
- debugger, 295
- devinfo, 295
- devnm, 138, 295
- df, 135, 295
- dispadmin, 19
- dkctl, 295
- dkinfo, 295
- dorfs, 295
- du, 104, 295
- dump, 295
- dumpfs, 295
- echo $PATH, 270
- Edit menu
- Add, 118
- Delete, 239
- Modify, 231
- egrep, 39
- eject, 94
- equivalents, 293-299
- etherfind, 295
- executing, 271
- exit, 244
- exportfs, 295
- extract_files, 295
- extract_patch, 295
- extract_unbundled, 295
- fastboot, 295
- fdformat, 94
- ff, 135
- file, 295
- find, 38, 295
- finger, 53
- fmt_mail, 295
- fsck, 111, 135, 146, 295
- fsdb, 135
- fsirand, 296
- fstyp, 135, 138
- ftp, 163-164
- grep, 210
- groupadd, 210
- groupmod, 211
- halt, 14
- hostid, 296
- hostname, 296
- idconfig, 296
- init, 296
- installtxt, 296
- intr, 296
- iostat, 296
- keyenvoy, 296
- kill, 25
- Korn shell, 250-251
- displaying, 254
- editing, 253
- ksh, 244
- labelit, 135
- leave, 296
- lint, 296
- load, 296
- load_package, 296
- loadc, 296
- lpadmin, 187, 197
- lpc, 296
- lpd, 296
- lpfilter, 187
- lpforms, 187
- lpmove, 187
- lpq, 296
- lpr, 296
- lprm, 296
- lpshut, 187
- lpstat, 198, 202, 205
- lpsystem, 187
- lptest, 296
- lpusers, 187
- ls, 296
- mach, 296
- mail, 294
- make, 209
- makekey, 296
- man, 61, 296
- manual pages, 61
- mkfile, 264
- mkfs, 135, 296
- mknod, 296
- modstat, 297
- mount, 110, 126, 135, 297
- mount_tfs, 297
- mountall, 135, 218
- mv, 57
- ncheck, 135, 297
- ndbootd, 297
- newfs, 110
- nice, 19, 35
- nisbackup, 149
- nisclient, 209
- nismatch, 210
- nispasswd, 225
- nisrestore, 149
- nistbladm, 209
- nlsadmin, 297
- nulladmin, 297
- output, redirecting, 60
- pac, 297
- partition, 108
- passwd, 210
- pax, 76, 297
- paxcpio, 297
- pcred, 20, 26
- pfiles, 20, 26
- pflags, 20, 26
- ping, 162
- pkgadd, 293-295
- pkgrm, 241
- pldd, 20, 26
- pmadm, 121
- pmap, 20, 26
- portmap, 297
- POSIX style, 192
- praudit, 297
- printenv, 297
- printing, 200
- priocntl, 19, 30
- prtconf, 258
- prtvtoc, 105, 295
- prun, 20, 26
- ps, 19, 21, 297
- psig, 20, 26
- pstack, 20
- pstat, 297
- pstop, 20, 26
- ptime, 20, 26
- ptree, 20, 26
- pwait, 20, 26
- pwdx, 20, 26
- r mail, 298
- rc, 297
- rc.boot, 297
- rc.local, 297
- rcp, 163
- rdump, 297
- reboot, 14
- rehash, 248
- reset -s, 297
- restore, 297
- retension, 70
- rewind, 70
- rfstart, 295
- rfstop, 295
- rlogin, 162-163
- rm_client, 298
- rpcinfo, 162
- rup, 161
- rusage, 298
- rusers -l, 53-54
- rwall, 298
- sacadm, 121
- sacadmin, 288
- sar, 293
- set history, 246
- setid, 298
- sh, 244
- share, 295
- shells, 243
- shutdown, 10, 13, 18, 278, 298
- sort, 210
- startup, 298
- status, 70
- stdout, 290
- stty, 298
- stty erase, 248
- su (switch user), 5
- suninstall, 298
- swap, 264
- swapon, 298
- sys-config, 298
- sysdef -h, 257
- tar, 70-71, 90, 95
- telinit/init, 14
- tfsd, 298
- tip, 122
- touch, 57